
Minimum Price List

Please Keep In Mind:

The following items have a minimum price requirement to ensure fair trade in player-run stores aswell as maintain a fair and balanced in-game economy.

The minimum price list is subject to change at any time without prior notice. Please check it regularly to ensure your in-game stores are compliant.

Do not re-sell creative items for a higher price than the Staff Shop. For items not listed, set your own reasonable prices responsibly.

Please Click On The Server To View The Minimum Prices

Minimum Prices on All The Mods 9


Item Name Minimum Price
Vibranium Block 8000
Allthemodium Ingot 800
Unobtanium Raw 800
Vibranium Raw 800
Piglich Heart 750
Allthemodium Raw 700
Unobtanium Block 6000
Allthemodium Block 4000
Allthemodium Nugget 125
Unobtanium Nugget 125
Vibranium Bugget 125
Vibranium Ingiot 1200
Unobtanium Ingot 1000

Applied Energistics 2 (AE2)

Item Name Minimum Price
4M Mega Cells 7500
1M Mega Cells 5000
1k Item Storage Cells 500
256k Item Storage Cells 2500
64k Item Storage Cells 2000
256M Mega Cells 15000
16k Item Storage Cells 1500
64M Mega Cells 12500
16M Mega Cells 1000
4k Item Storage Cells 1000

Blacklist - DO NOT SELL

Item Name Minimum Price
ChemLib Items DO NOT SELL
Linked Dimstorage DO NOT SELL
Linked Endertank/Enderchests From Other Players DO NOT SELL
Linked FluxPlug/FluxPoint DO NOT SELL
Linked Terminals DO NOT SELL
Sophisticated Backpack/Storage DO NOT SELL

Minecraft Vanilla

Item Name Minimum Price
Netherite Block 800
Block Lapis 80
Block of Diamond 75
Quartz Ingot 7
Block Quartz 50
Coal Ingot 5
Gold Ingot 5
Iron Ingot 5
Redstone Ingot 5
Block Coal 40
Block Redstone 40
Gold Block 40
Iron Block 40
Emerald 20
Block of Emerald 150
Beacon 1000
Dragon Egg 1000
Elytra 1000
Nether Star 1000
Netherite Ingot 100
Diamond 10
Lapis Ingot 10

Mystical Agriculture

Item Name Minimum Price
Insanium Blocks/Essence/Ingots 3000
Seeds (Dragon Egg, Gaia, Nether Star) 1000

Other Popular Mods

Item Name Minimum Price
Ultimate Energy Cube 3500
Basic-Advanced Circuits 300
Energy Cubes 2300
Ultimate Control Circuit 2000
Crusher/Factory Machines 1300
Industrial Foregoing Laser Drill 1200
Draconic Evolution Chaos Shard 1000
Powah Battery Nitro 1000

Minimum Prices on Prominence 2


Item Name Minimum Price
4M Mega Cell/Component 8000
All Other Backpacks (Except Standard) 750
Hardening Catalyst 750
256M Mega Cell/Component 50000
Dragon Backpack 5000
Library of Alexandria 5000
Life Aggregator (Empty) 500
Reinforced Echo Shard 500
Singularity 500
Galena Chunk 5
1M Mega Cell/Component 4000
Molten Core 30000
Dragon Egg 3000
Lesser Mythical Essence 3000
Runic Tablet 300
64M Mega Cell/Component 25000
Echo Shard 200
Flugel Tiara (Any) 1250
16M Mega Cell/Component 12000
Greater Mythical Essence 10000
Dragon Head 1000


Item Name Minimum Price
Adjusttable SU 5000
Interdimensional SU 25000
SuperDense Energy Cell 2500
Matter Fabricator 2000
Indrex Cable Mk4 10

Ores and Minerals

Item Name Minimum Price
Diamond Block 80
Elementium Block 80
Gaia Spirit 65
Manasteel 6
Gaia Ingot 500
Sapphire Ingot 500
Diamond Ore 50
Emerald 5
Emerald Dust 5
Netherite Diamond 450
Topaz Ingot 400
Emerald Block 40
Manasteel Block 40
Netherite Emerald 350
Netherite Diamond Block 3000
Netherite Gold 300
Sapphire Block 300
Netherite Emerald Block 2750
Netherite Iron 275
TerraSteel 275
Netherite Gold Block 2500
Topaz Blobk 2500
Netherite 250
Netherite Nugget 25
Emerald Ore 20
Diamond Nugget 2
Netherite Block 1800
Netherite Iron Block 1800
TerraSteel Block 1700
Elementium 15
TerraSteel Nugget 12
Ancient Debris 100
Diamond 10
Diamond Dust 10
UU Matter 10

Tools, Weapons, and Armor

Item Name Minimum Price
Terra Shatterer SS 7000
Hallowheart/Infused 5000
Terra Shatterer S 5000
Sapphire Armour Pieces 3500
Terra Shatterer A 3500
Enchanted Books (Per Enchant) 300
Netherite Diamond Armour Pieces 2500
Topaz Armour Pieces 2500
Warden Armour Pieces 2000
Gravichestplate 10000
Netherite Diamond Tools/Weapons 1000
Sapphire Tools/Weapon 1000
Topaz Tools/Weapon 1000